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A Guide to User Experience Testing


Most website designers today put a lot of effort in creating user experience designs for websites but it is possible that users of the site may not behave in the way they are expected to. The reason for this is because of changes in the market, changes of preferences of the visit, of your site lacks improvement in the user experience. This is the reason why site owners do user experience testing so that they can find out how people react to their sites. If your website depends heavily on visitors for business, then it is only right to give importance to user experience testing as to any other marketing effort.


Some customer experience journey websites owners do not know how users of their website are reacting to their new site. He may not know whether his website is performing as it should. And this can only be determined is he tests different versions of the site with a set of users. In user experience testing you use qualitative and quantitative methods to test the different variations of a website to improve user experience. The main aim of this testing is to help the website reach its marketing goals and get the maximum amount of user engagement and interaction. With this testing, site owners will know what their visitors needs and can help the designers with insights to design and improve their website.


Below are some of the ways that user experience can be tested


A/B testing involves two variations of the same web design. Both variations are almost the same except one element being different. This is used to see the effect of changing one element on the behavior of visitors on the site.


You can also test various versions and designs of a web page in multivariate testing and this is unlike A/B testing. This is mostly used to compare the performance of two completely different ideas.


In page analysis is a free tool that you can use to see where people are clicking on your site. What people are doing on your site is important for you to know. This will help you make them do what you want them to do. Data from this tool can be used to make changes or modifications to your site so that user experience can be improved. Once changes are implemented you can check the behavior of the users and continue the modification until you get what you wanted.


User experience consulting is another method of testing user experience. This is a more subjective way of testing of user experience compared to the rest. Focus groups consist of a group of people who represent your targeted user. These people are asked to use your site and give feedback and suggestions on the experience they had on your site. This feedback can be used to make changes of modifications to our site.

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